The luxury beauty marketing agency.

LEVEL FIFTY is a fully integrated beauty marketing agency collaborating with globally recognised luxury beauty brands and companies on strategy, paid media, CRO, SEO, and social.

How To Promote Your Luxury Beauty Brand

The beauty industry is a dynamic fast-moving space. Consumer trends come and go, and brands need to keep up with the ever-changing industry. Luxury beauty brands are struggling to find their voice in today’s digital world. 

As more beauty buyers choose to research and buy products online, luxury beauty companies should be aware of the impact of social media and digital channels on promoting their products. 

Today’s beauty buyers are the influential and affluent consumers of the Gen Z and Millennial generations. They use social media and the power of the online community to make their beauty choices, and brands should adapt to the strength of this online community. 

The Millennial and Gen Z generations have strong buying power, and they want more transparency and social responsibility with the brands they choose. Luxury beauty brands need to retain the elements that make them ‘luxury’, such as exclusivity and accessibility, whilst adapting to the changing digital environment. 

With over a decade of experience in the luxury space, we use our knowledge and time-proven expertise to target and interact with your customers in a valuable and meaningful way. Using tried and tested digital marketing services, we can create and share your content with the right people, in the right place, at the right time. 

We understand how to connect to your customers using SMART strategies specific to the luxury beauty space and, more importantly, your brand. We look to build a close, intimate relationship with you and your customers, resulting in customer and brand loyalty time and time again. 

Luxury beauty customers are affluent buyers who are looking for products that provide premium, organic ingredients, that are sold at a higher price and are less accessible than their high street counterparts. 

Prestige and heritage are a large part of a luxury beauty brand, and consumers want to know they are buying products from a prestigious and experienced company, that has years of producing high-quality, time-tested products under its belt. 

The target audience for luxury beauty buyers is between the ages of 25-44 who have disposable income and want to start investing in their skin. They are increasingly becoming more aware of the social responsibility of the brands and products they choose, and they are conscious about using sustainable, ethical, and cruelty-free products. 

The use of social media influencers is integral to creating a successful social media campaign for beauty brands, particularly luxury beauty brands.

The Gen Z generation relies heavily on the persuasive voice of these influencers, especially for premium-priced products that may ordinarily be out of their price range. 

We will create a campaign that uses the power of influential people in the industry who have the reach required to market your brand successfully.

Using a multi-channel digital marketing approach, we will showcase the elements of your brand that make you stand out from the crowd with the products that you offer and the values you hold, making you the best choice available for premium beauty products. 

What Your Customers Look Like and How We Target Them

Luxury Hospitality Digital Marketing Services

  • Social media is the powerhouse behind most consumer brand and product choices within the beauty industry. Brands use platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to reveal new products or product ranges, and many new companies within the industry will build up a strong customer base from social media marketing alone. 

    The rise of TikTok where ordinary people show how to use the latest beauty products/trends, or create new, unique ways to use old products is transforming how consumers find and buy products. 

    Instagram’s shop feature allows customers to buy products directly from the app, and YouTube has been a prominent social media tool, used to feature new products through influencers reviewing sponsored/paid products. 

    We will create engaging and relevant content using a variety of social media platforms to ensure that the right customers see you at the right time. Using captivating and intriguing content such as videos and evocative imagery, we will showcase your luxury brand and what you have to offer. 

    Alongside a well-designed website that includes your core brand values and the products that you offer, we will ensure that the right mix of social media platforms is used to keep exclusivity a priority whilst appealing to the right target audience at the same time. 

  • A strong SEO strategy is a vital element of the luxury beauty marketing strategy. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience with SEO for luxury brands, and SEO is the most specialised service we offer. We know how to drive the right customers to your website based on their unique characteristics and buying journey. 

    If you have an e-commerce shop on your website, then the consumer needs to be able to find your products, and this is where strong SEO research comes in. 

    Luxury goods have complex keywords depending on the industry, and these may not necessarily include the word ‘luxury’. Consumers are becoming increasingly more specific in what they are searching for. We will conduct thorough keyword research to ensure that your customers can find you. 

    We will create a well-designed website for your brand that not only includes relevant content but is optimised efficiently to allow the right people to find your brand. We will also ensure thorough off-site optimisation is performed. Creating relevant and high-quality backlinks to genuine sources will mean higher search engine rankings, and in turn, lead to more clicks. 

  • Paid media ads are another essential element of a successful marketing campaign. Using paid media services will result in generating leads and ultimately increasing sales. 

    The beauty industry is driven by content-sharing platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. These platforms are the best channels for attracting your target audience, specifically to highlight a new product/campaign launch. Creating an ad campaign that crosses multiple channels will bring brand awareness and customer trust.

    Ad campaigns for the luxury beauty brand should be income-driven. Google and Facebook both have options to use geo-targeting ads that target a chosen audience by their household income. This is especially useful for luxury goods, as only a minority of people will have the disposable income to afford luxury beauty products. 

    We will create an ad campaign that reaches your chosen target audience using relevant, unique, and captivating content. With the right mix of social media channels and the use of powerful industry influencers that represent your brand and your values, we will reach the right customers, meaning more sales, and brand awareness. 

The first step in the journey is an idea. We analyse your specific business goals and create a bespoke strategy that aims to meet these goals. We use multiple tools to identify your ideal target audience and reach and attract them in the best way. To build strong brand confidence, we will create unique, specific and engaging content, which we then share using the most appropriate channels. We use specific tools to constantly evaluate our strategy, measuring our progress along the way and tweaking where necessary to align with your overall goals and objectives.

Marketing a luxury beauty product is a tough challenge in today’s primarily digital age. Consumers are no longer choosing to visit a beauty counter in a high-end department store, but are instead using the power and community of social media to decide what to buy and who from. Traditional legacy brands need to remain exclusive whilst adapting to this change in buying habits. 

With our years of experience and knowledge and our tried and tested strategies, you can be confident in our ability to achieve your business goals and objectives, build strong customer loyalty, and elevate your brand in the luxury space. 

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities with luxury brands and are comfortable working internationally. Please get in touch and tell us about how we can help.